
Thursday, December 16, 2010


Congratulations!!!  I know that you were praying long and hard for that change and it finally happened for you.  I'm so happy that your day finally arrived!  Well, I've been thinking long and hard about my goals.   A couple of people have even questioned me about posting them.  I'm finally being held accountable and I'm loving it.

In my last post, I promised to post some of my goals for 2011.  So here are my 1st qtr 2011 goals.  1).  Start working out at least 3 x's/wk.  Really, I'd like to do it 4x's/wk, but at least 3.   2). Attend a cooking show or a cooking class.  3).  Write a song for Shae and compose the music.  Shae is a friend of mine, who lives in Houston.  She's been asking me to write for her for ages.  I always promised that I would, but never had the confidence to work on the music.  I've never doubted that I was capable of writing the song, I've just  never been certain about my ability as a musician. Nevertheless, I will not only attempt this task, I'll complete it this year.   All of these goals must be completed by March 31, 2011.  Then, it will be time to set new goals for the second qtr.

I am very excited about completing the goals cited.  I have never admitted my insecurities in front of such a large audience.  Still, I know this will sound very cliche, but it is very liberating.  2011 cannot be a fruitless year.  We've gotta move forward.  If we're asking people to follow us on this journey, then we've gotta start catching some dreams.  We start small.  We crawl, but we do eventually walk.  So no, I'm not about to scale Mt Everest, but a year from now, I may be packing up my mountain climbing gear.  So...on your mark.  Get set.  Go!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On to the Next One

Goals truly are the key and you're so right, we would set them and then months later talk about them with no progression.  2011 is will be much better.  I'm very excited about our blog and I hope that others will be motivated to not only chase after their dreams but catch them.  I will continue to ponder my goals for 2011 and post them closer to New Year's. 

Today is the last day at my current job and I will be starting a new job on Monday.  As I am closing the chapter of this phase of life, I can't help but think back to when the chapter began.  I was so excited about my new job and I vowed to go into this job differently than I had gone to any of my other jobs.  I worked really hard and I was able to learn a lot.  Of course, as time progressed, I became discontent and to be honest I was annoying myself by how much I was complaining about the job.  Though I loved the people, I felt that I was no longer growing and it was time for me to move on.  Well, as I was complaining, I didn't realize just how God was orchestrating my life.  He knew that I would need the skills I developed at this job in order for me to go to the next job.  In the same manner of the chapter that's closing, I will enter this new chapter totally different than the previous trusting God enough to know that He is always in control and He always knows best.  In this new chapter, I will be better than ever!

So, in the words of Jay-Z, "On to the next one!" 

~ Tonya

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Daphne's Decree

Well Tonya, I guess it is a good time to start talking about what we want to accomplish in 2011.  I can't say that I know exactly what I want to accomplish yet, but I have begun thinking about it.  It feels good to say that 2010 wasn't fruitless.  We got the blog up and running this year.  I'm very proud of that.  In the past we've made countless goals, but never made a step towards them.  Most times, we quit before we ever got started, so I'm proud of our baby.  Now what about 2011...

I'm going to think a little more about that.  It's mandatory that I come up with something, so that procrastination won't get the best of me on this one.  I love, love, love progression and I'm just as passionate about the hate that I have for stagnation.  I wanna be certain that I set a goal that I am committed to.   I've actually mentioned setting my goals in a past post, I just never got around to doing it.  Here's the plan, my next post will contain my goals for next yr.  This way everyone can begin holding me accountable.  Also, I may adopt additional goals once the year is underway.  Still, it will always be mandatory that I accomplish the goals that I set on this site.  So it's official and IT IS SO ORDERED!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Procrastination at it's best....or maybe not

Ok! Seriously!  I can't believe it has been 2 weeks since I posted.  As you can see the schedule didn't happen.  LOL!  I have to agree with you that procrastination is a disease and we both need a cure.  Like you, I literally fight myself to start.  Once I've started I can flow but it's the initial first step.  Hopefully, a cure will soon be found for that "Procrastinationitis". 

Now back to the schedule!

No, no, no!  I haven't created a schedule.  Sometimes I get so frustrated with myself because I know exactly what I need to do and choose not to do it - keyword being choose.  In everything, we have a choice.  Though each morning the Lord allows us to awake, we have to choose to get out of the bed and from there the day begins and ends with choices being made.  Fortunately, I think for the both of us we've made good choices (for the most part).  We graduated from high school, graduated from college, and found and maintained "good jobs".  So why is it when it comes to improving our personal lives, i.e. curing procrastination, pursuing our dreams, becoming more organized, our choices are not the best.  Drives me crazy because we know what we have to do! 


So!  With all of that said, 2011 is going to be the year of "bettering Tonya" (yes, I just made up a word).  I WILL create my schedule.  I WILL become more organized.  I WILL be more disciplined.  I WILL take steps towards the pursuits I have talked about.  I WON'T be making these same statements in 2012.

~ Tonya