BFF, you are so right when addressing the idea of transparency. I believe the most difficult part of being transparent is showing that we are not perfect. Gasp!!! Now, some will challenge that notion and say, "I don't think I'm perfect." However, if we really take a long hard look at ourselves, though we may not see ourselves as perfect, perfect is how we want to be seen.
I will be the first to admit that I haven't always been transparent so much so that I would try to fool myself into believing that everything is ok all of the time. LOL! Insane, right! So! I'm going to take your last blog as a challenge for me to be more transparent. Starting now....
On yesterday, I realized that my biggest downfall or the one thing that has impeded my success is the fear of failure. I've always heard that fear can keep you from success but I never believed I was fearful. Earlier in life I considered myself to be a go-getter - one to go after what she wants and I did go after many things. However, it occurred to me that my pursuits have been more on the safe side. Ambitions that I knew I could attain. On the flip-side, when it came to ideas or dreams that were more of a stretch, I failed miserably. The reason being, I didn't try....
In previous blogs, I shared that I've had so many ideas, dreams, visions of which I've wanted to pursue. Excited about each new idea, I would first have to buy a new notebook to write it down, talk passionately about it to those who were close to me, and then nothing. I learned that the "nothing" came from fear. I actually talked myself out of it regardless of how many people said it was a great idea. I would convince myself that it wouldn't be good enough or it wasn't needed. I hate to admit it but being transparent, I would think that I wasn't good enough to do it. I felt like I was missing something.....
I was... I was missing confidence. I believe that through this blog, I will be able to defeat the fear that has resided in me and increase my confidence in pursuing my dreams. As we continue to grow, I want our readers to be inspired, be transparent, be confident, and catch their dreams!
~ Tonya
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