
Monday, March 28, 2011

Go with the flow!

Well, the end of the first quarter is approaching.  It's been an adventure.  Well, I am happy to report that I did attend Savor Dallas.  It was absolutely wonderful!  There was so much good food.  I enjoyed myself so much that I plan to attend again next year.  I took a few pics that night, just to prove that I actually graced the event with my presence. 
I must confess, I didn't accomplish all of my 1st quarter goals.  I suffered a major setback on my songwriting, but I haven't given up on it yet.  I was unable to transfer my song from a tape to a cd, but I hope to purchase the machine that I need to do this within the next few weeks.  Giving up is simply not an option, and the fact that I didn't meet my March 31st deadline will not deter me from accomplishing the goal.  Now, it's time for me to start thinking about 2nd quarter.  What shall I do?  I'll have an answer for this question on my next post.

I'm really excited about what the new quarter holds.  Like yourself, I am seeing many things that I've never seen before and I am realizing that a lot of what I deem to be complicated, is simply me wanting to completely analyze the situation.  Instead, I should simply go with the flow.  That seems to be my mantra for this year.  I really don't have to know everything from A-Z.  Right now, all I need is "A."   So, I'll roll with that and ask questions about "B" when I get to that point.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

One step closer

Well, March is almost ending and I feel very good in terms of my progress.  Today, I attended my first of many Toastmasters' meeting.  I'm so excited because I had been planning to attend since last year and of course procrastination was the culprit in hindering me from attending the meetings.  So there!  I did it!

Now that we are embarking on the 2nd quarter, my goals are to begin building out that new idea I shared with you.  Not quite ready to share it on the blog but once it gets closer to completion I will definitely be sharing. 

Can I just say that God is so awesome!  I've been reading Proverbs and each day it has blessed me and I can see where God is showing me and teaching me new life applications so that I may have the wisdom of which I've been praying.

Sorry for my random thoughts, I'm just in a good place right now and can't contain my excitement.

~ Tonya

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Tweaking...I like that.  I've thought about this a great deal.  One of the things that stands out is that in order to tweak something, it's gotta be at least half right. You don't have to start from the beginning, you simply begin making adjustments from the point that you began drifting off course.  I think of it like driving, when the car starts to veer off course, you simply adjust the wheel slightly.  Yanking the wheel from side to side is much too drastic to keep the car on the road.  Tweaking...I like that!

Well, we're headed into the 2nd quarter of 2011. The month of March is racing to  it's end.  I must say that I'm still excited about this year.  There is still a lot to accomplish.  Life is still full of possiblilities and with a little bit of hard work and some tweaking, who knows what can happen!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Well, it's March.  How are you feeling so far?  I know you have your 3/31 deadling and I believe you will be on target.  I have to say that even with minor setbacks and spells of laziness, I've progressed quite nicely.  Each day I am more and more confident in the path I am taking and I believe that I am one step closer to my many dreams.

In church today, my pastor made a profound statement that has been on my mind all day.  He said, "don't discover who you are, define who you are."  I have a whole lot of thinking to do on that one.  Over the course of the years, I'm sure the decisions I've made have had an impact on defining who I am but the beautiful thing is that I can change or tweak that definition at any time in my life.  I think it's time to tweak....
